Doomsday Daydreams
An upcoming audio-documentary series produced by Josh Mattison of Low Orbit and Grayhound Brand.
The My RØDE Cast 2021 Highly Commended soundscape made as promotional material for the show. Scored, sound designed, arranged, and edited by Grayton Newman.
Pompeii (Intro)
Arrangement and composition over Josh Mattison interviewing Brad Mudge about the discovery of Pompeii. Scored, sound designed, and edited by Grayton Newman.
The Girl-Child of Pompeii
An improvised string composition over a reading of The Girl-Child of Pompeii by Primo Levi. Scored by Grayton Newman.
Flood Myths (Intro)
An early concept introduction for the flood myth episode of Doomsday Daydreams. Score and hosting by Grayton Newman. Scripted by Josh Mattison.